Thanks for tuning in to the latest thoughts from a woman in tech - you've made a great choice to join this awesome site of content. Together, we can strive towards perfecting your ultimate personal brand and refining your professional skills.
"_____ From A Woman In Tech," is where you can fill in the blank - thoughts, advice, help, mentor-ship, feedback, insight, etc. The possibilities are endless depending on your needs for personal and professional development. Everyone is on the path to being their best self but there is always room for improvement. We are constantly evolving - at home, in the workplace, in the classroom, in the car. Let's figure out what areas we can best focus on together.
My focus areas range from experience in writing, interviewing, public speaking, professional documents (resumes, cover letters, etc.) and so much more of the soft skills that go into being a professional in today's organizations. On the flip side, my personal journey through therapy and self-reflection have granted me new perspectives on life's experiences and challenges.
I look forward to hearing from you on your thoughts, engagement, and feedback along the way!
Something that I've wanted to do for such a long time was dedicate some of my time and energy to helping others formulate their accomplishments, experience, and thoughts into words and bring them to life in the form of professional documents and personal goals. I truly enjoy helping others and believe I have the time and dedication to see my efforts become beneficial to others! I hope you find my guidance and insight to be helpful towards your current and future endeavors.